Our Values

Our Values, listed below, guide our employees in their efforts to achieve our Mission.


  • Passionate and united leaders that give clarity, engender trust and deliver on the Vision and Values
  • Whole business focus
  • Collaboration and engagement – always
  • Robust and respectful communication at all levels.


  • Innovation is the norm; we are always looking for a better way
  • Asking ‘why’ is okay
  • Good ideas are welcomed and acknowledged
  • We engage risk and manage it – we don’t shy from it
  • We continually look to build the skills of our people.


  • We exceed expectations
  • ‘Can’t be done’ does not exist – there are always options
  • Everyone knows what is expected of them
  • Great performance is recognised – for the individual, the team and the business.


  • We hold ourselves and each other, accountable for performance, behaviour and safety
  • We own up when things go wrong and learn from our mistakes
  • We are individually accountable but everyone is responsible
  • We watch out for each other.


  • Mutual respect, honesty and integrity mean everything
  • We actively listen and talk to each other – we do not make assumptions 
  • How we behave is as important as what we deliver
  • We respect our people’s lives outside of Lightforce Australia
  • We live our Values.


  • We think and act as one big team and our business partners and customers are part of that team
  • We share the Vision and Mission know our part in their achievement
  • We collaborate to tackle cross-business issues
  • We continually debrief and learn from each other
  • We apply the Values to our business partnerships and customers.